Friday 7th March 2025
07h45 Registration and coffee
Chair: Prof Robert Dunn
08h20 Welcome Dunn / Vlok
Pain 120
08h30 What can rats teach us about pain Robert Dunn 15
08h45 One’s discomfort may be another’s pain – how to assess need for surgery and manage post-operatively? Pradeep Makan 15
09h00 Managing the chronic opiate user through surgery Rowan Duys 20
09h20 Discussion 5
09h25 Prevention Strategies in Primary Surgery: Reducing the Risk of Failed Back Marcin Czyz 20
09h45 Does the active perioperative participation of the patient to his treatment decrease the rate of FBSS ? François Lechanoine 20
10h05 Back pain – it was never the back! Ian Vlok 15
10h20 Discussion 10
10h30 Tea break
Chair: Dr David Welsh
Persistent buttock leg pain 115
11h00 My approach to persistent post-operative leg pain Peter Polley 20
11h20 Epidural fibrosis – does it really cause pain? Ian Vlok 20
11h40 Respect the DRG – dangers of foraminal surgery Ravel Ramlakan 20
12h00 Residual foraminal stenosis after lateral recess decompressions ….what can you get away with to avoid fusion Sean Tromp 20
12h20 I nibbed a root – what now? Russell Govender 15
12h35 “Complex Spinal Reconstruction After Failed Instrumentation: A Systematic Approach” Marcin Czyz 20
12h55 Discussion included in above times
13h00 Lunch break 45
Chair: Prof Ian Vlok
Persistant back pain 105
13h45 Smoking and non-union – should I have seen it coming? Bakang Kgaodi 15
14h00 Is posterolateral pedicle screw only multilevel fusion still acceptable Hamaad Gamieldien 15
14h15 Rod fracture – if and when I intervene Ramanare Magampa 15
14h30 Recognition and management of an established non-union Attie Botha 15
14h45 Discussion 10
14h55 The Impact of the psyche on pain management Renata Schoeman 30
15h25 Discussion 5
15h30 Tea break
Chair: Dr Johan Davis
The next level 105
16h00 I should have gone to the pelvis – when and how Johan Davis 15
16h15 Is a floating fusion doomed to fail? Sean Tromp 15
16h30 Suprajacent degeneration – why and how to prevent Nick Kruger 15
16h45 Suprajacent kyphosis following AIS surgery Etienne Coetzee 15
17h00 Proximal junctional fractures Adrian Swan 15
17h15 “Minimally Invasive Solutions for Adjacent Segment Disease: Technical Pearls and Pitfalls” Marcin Czyz 20
17h35 Discussion 10
17h45 end of day
Saturday 8th March 2025
Chair: Dr Ramanare Magampa
The elusive lordosis and other problems 120
08h30 Sagittal balance for L4-S1 surgeons Slade Vermaak 15
08h45 Getting the best out of TLIF for lordosis Nick Kruger 15
09h00 The SIJ after long fusions to pelvis Alberto Puddo 15
09h15 Discussion 10
09h25 Achieving cervical lordosis in long fusions Adrian Swan 15
09h40 3 level ACDF – is it ever indicated? Dave Welsh 15
09h55 Discussion 10
10h15 AI-Assisted Decision Making in Failed Back Surgery Syndrome: Moving Beyond Traditional Algorithms” Marcin Czyz 20
Discussion 5
10h30 Tea break
Chair: Prof Robert Dunn
Problems 135
11h00 Neuromodulation Milton Raff 30
11h30 UBE redo lumbar spine spectrum Malcolm Pestonji 20
11h50 Discussion 10
12h00 Case discusion: When the patient rejects the implant Peter Polley 15
12h15 Case discussion: Screws everywhere Alex vd Horst 15
12h30 Case discussion: Dr Marius Du Preez Marius du Preez 15
12h45 Case discussion: delegates 30
13h15 Discussion and Close of CTSS
13h30 Commencement of SASS Endoscopic Society event
arranged by Dr Shawn Venter
all CTSS delegates welcome to attend